To buy into this investment, we will accept investors with as little as $500,000
- THERON TECHNOLOGIES (a Wyoming company) builds or secures all generator parts, designs, and engineering, and ships them to the local dealerships for assembly/sales.
- Since Theron Energy LLC (a Florida company), is the first licensed Dealership of the flagship company THERON TECHNOLOGIES, and we currently have no national or international dealership competition, we can literally sell generators to anyone anywhere.
- Our investor Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 20% on your investment.
- Terms ARE negotiable! Between 1-5 years.
- Each year that you as investor stay with us, you get your 20% return and when you wish to withdraw your initial investment within the 5-year window, you can at any time.
- We will accept “Partner Shares“.
- We are a Frontline Environmental company that maximizes all efforts to be a completely GREEN ENERGY company.
- Investors are investing in our Wyoming company namely Theron Technologies LLC: Wyoming does not have State or Local capital gains taxes.
Please note, this offer will reduce in size and scope the closer we come to reaching our funding goals.
We have limited stock options for this round.
We would like to hear from you if you are an active Investor.
Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back to you shortly. Or call (561) 853-6892 anytime to talk to us directly.